Browse Collections (13 total)
This classes thematic focus for the semester was: The Truth about Race in America.
An honors colloquium class that focused on infectious disease in general and COVID-19 specifically. Sections of the class were held in both the Fall…
This collection contains items that were created by students in the Fall 2020 SSCSM 101-2H Springfield College Seminar course.
These are items created and/or curated by International Students on the campus and by the International Center.
These are materials that were created or collected by and/or given to the Springfield College Office of Alumni Relations.
This collection contains materials created, collected, and imagined for Prof. Meeghan Ziolkowski's Ethics (PHIL 106-22) Class for the Spring 2020…
These are items created, collected and imagined by SOCI 240-21: Global Social Issues and SOCI 430-21: Sociology of Health and Health care.
This collection includes items submitted by students in the Health Science major who were enrolled in HSCI 325: Biostatistics, HSCI 340: Principles of…
These are items that are donated by members of the Springfield College community that are not connected with classes, departments, clubs, and/or a…
This collection includes items submitted by students in Prof. Ian Delahanty's class HIST 106: The Civil War to Modern America. The class was taught…