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  • Collection: Health Sciences Epidemiology Classes

Reslife Screenshot.png
This is a screenshot of an email I received from residence life in regards to our end of the year ceremony for all the RA's.

Iron Cup Finale Workout.pdf
This document consists of the Women's Soccer Team's virtual at-home challenge over the course of the 2020 Spring Season. It includes a workout that had to be done through Zoom with each team competing against other teams.

Extra credit Kaleb Hibbad .pdf
Talking about how COVID-19 has impacted me.

Archiving My Experience_Copponi.pdf
My experience, as a college senior, with a family comprised entirely of first responders amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.

Letter to Colleges - Thank you with Volunteer Names .docx.pdf
This document recognizes the students from various colleges who are participating in COVID-19 data collection. The internship/document was created once COVID-19 arose.

Here is my reflection on my experience so far living through COVID-19

This was my personal experience.


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