Physics During a Pandemic


This is just an example of the kind of assignments I was working on while in quarantine at the end of last school year. This is diagram I had to make for my physics class. We watched a video of a "flame tube", then had to draw a diagram in which we explained what was occurring in the video. Afterwards, we got a chance to look at our classmates diagrams, so we could revise our own.


I thought this image did a good job of encapsulating my pandemic education this past spring for a couple of reasons. The biggest for me was that I (and every student) missed out on the chance to work around my peers. Yes we got to use Zoom, but that doesn’t really replace what I’m talking about. I missed sitting in class working on an assignment with friends, just talking and having a good time. It's not something I ever really appreciated before, but once I started having to sit at my kitchen table all day doing my work, I really missed the casual conversation that would be sparked up when in the classroom setting with friends. The other thing I missed was the relationships I had built with my teachers. I am fortunate in the sense that I loved pretty much everything about my high school, and had a great high school experience. A big part of that was that I really liked the vast majority of my teachers. I built great relationships with a lot of them, and really appreciated being able to go over work with them. Having to submit work electronically was a bummer for me because it made it harder to get feedback on my work. Of course my teachers would leave comments and stuff on any submitted work, and they did the best they could, but it just wasn’t the same as being able to communicate this in person. In general, I just really missed the human interaction element of being in school.


Remington Ferrari


Springfield College


Remington Ferrari







Pandemic Education Example.jpg


Pandemic Education Example.jpg


Remington Ferrari, “Physics During a Pandemic,” Springfield College COVID-19 Experience, accessed September 7, 2024,


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