File #71: "McDonagh_email_041120.pdf"


Katherine Dugan <>

Blessed Easter He is Risen! The Gift of Hope
1 message
Rev. John McDonagh <>
To: "Rev. John McDonagh" <>
Cc: Michael C Lillpopp <>

Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 4:32 PM

Easter this year is different. Because of expert medical advice, we distance ourselves from each other. Even close
relatives or friends won't join us for Easter Dinner. We will miss them. We won't even go to Church physically. Yet, we do
have some opportunities to worship on-line. (See below.)
We had hopes for Lent. For the Semester. For Spring. Some of us could be anxious about the summer. Perhaps, with
reason. What will happen to our plans? For, we had hoped that...
Even, on the first Easter morning, the disciples are told not to be afraid. They are advised to "back to Galilee" and He will
see them there. Galilee is "code" for where and when they first met Jesus. They head to Galilee.They understand Jesus'
challenge to reflect on what about Jesus catches their imagination. As we also reflect on our "Galilee", what is
about Jesus that first attracted us to Him? For me, I am always moved that He accepts people; He doesn't judge people.
Pope Francis leads us in prayer: "Lord, you don't want us to be afraid. You, Lord will not leave us at the mercy of the
storm. Together, with Peter, we 'cast our anxieties on to you, for you care about us.'" (1 Peter 5:7)
Don't be afraid to tell Jesus our worries. About the pandemic. About everything. We long to meet Him again when and
where he first caught our imagination. Our Galilee. Can you hear Him call your name, again? What does He say to you?
An unknown artist (to me) captures compassionate and competent medical personnel attending to another victim of the
global pandemic, a modern day Jesus.

In this tapestry below, Raphael presents the power of the Risen Jesus conquering evil, death - and giving us hope.

The Risen Jesus, says "Peace. Don't be afraid." And, tell the others we will meet up in Galilee where we first met. Jesus
tells us to hope. Where do you think you would be able to hope again this Easter?
Available Easter Masses include:
Pope Francis at St. Peter's Rome
Easter Morning Mass (with English Translation)
Springfield Bishop Mitch Rozanski at St. Michael's Cathedral
10 am on WWLP Channel 22 NEWS 
Fr. John @ Sts. Patrick and Raphael 
Easter Sunday Mass
Campus Ministries Easter Masses
Celebrated at a number of Campuses across the country
At this different, yet real Easter, where does Jesus offer you the gift of hope?
Blessings of hope to you and your loved ones,
Fr. John
Fr. John P. McDonagh
Coordinator, Campus Ministry Outreach, Diocese of Springfield
Pastor, Sts. Patrick and Raphael Parish
54 Southworth Street
Williamstown MA 01267

413.302.1494 cell
"That they may know You..." John 17.3