File #214: "scsm-101-11-fall-2020-012.pdf"


Brandon Dang
SCSM 101-11
Professor Delahanty
My Covid-19 Experience
I was in my second semester of my senior year of Enfield Highschool when they sent us home
for online class due to a national pandemic outbreak. I did not hate it, but I most definitely did not like it
either. The workload for my classes seemed to have doubled and it was hard to communicate since we
did not use zoom or calls. We simply did the work and sent it in. I remember all my friends looking
forward to a proper graduation and their sports, then being saddened by the fact that neither was
possible with the pandemic. I am personally, someone who enjoys time to themselves and keeps away
from crowds. Only exceptions are when my close friends invite me for an activity, since its usually only
6-7 people. Other than that, I do not mind being at home, I have a pc I built at home that I use to speak
and game with my friends online and do work. I honestly did not really care for the sentimental things
of high school such as a “proper” graduation or breathtaking prom, but I can tell many around me were
very frustrated and disappointed. I understood their feelings and it made me feel miserable since
everyone was so negative, and it just cemented the gloomy vibe of Covid. So, everyone basically wanted
2020 over with, but I did not mind the outbreak in the beginning, until the sinking feeling of boredom
annoyed me to the end. I could be riding on the quad with Joel or play tennis with my partner if it were
not for the pandemic. When graduation arrived, it felt anticlimactic, my four years of high school comes
to an end in a few seconds. I got my diploma, my pictures and drove home. There was a lot of parties
my family had despite the limit that was placed... We are a Vietnamese family, and my grandparents
specifically, like to have “get togethers” as often as they can. Obviously due to the pandemic some will
not come, and I tend to stay home as well. I was very scared for my grandparents since they were both
healthily active for their age, my grandfather plays tennis nearly every day and my grandmother loves to

work. I would occasionally call them to check up on how they are doing, and I would never dare to miss
a call from them. As I got ready for college, there was an immense pressure to not lose my scholarship
and financial aid. I joined as an online student and my first two weeks were very difficult. I mixed up my
two scheduled classes and switched my major. Luckily thanks to SC’s kind staff, I managed to get back
on track. I still have a few of my close friends who come and hang out, while three went off to college in
Rhode Island whom I still play online games with. Now I wake up to a daily routine and I feel like its
unhealthy. I feel less motivated and robotic. I wake up to seven different alarms, take a shower and
join class. I finish class, do homework, eat, shower, sleep, and repeat. The Covid-19 pandemic took
away my liberty to walk around in public, enjoy time with friends, and uphold family traditions. I took
many things for granted, such as eating out with family, or having fun with my cousins. It is simply